Child in the shadowlands

The World Health Organization described children born of rape as at risk of being neglected, stigmatized, ostracized, or abandoned. Cases of infanticide (the killing of an infant) have also been reported. Despite such general concerns, little is known about the fate of these children. Even in the mental health domain, professional conversations hardly include their fate. Clinical case reports describe a high rate of ambivalent parent-child relationships or even abusive relationships and a high rate of serious discrimination within the societies in which these children are raised. These relational difficulties have serious consequences for the child as they become the indirect victim of the trauma of the mother. This essay in the Lancet asks attention for these children born of rape.

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Elisa van Ee, Rolf J. Kleber | 2012
In: The Lancet = ISSN 0140 6736 | 380 | 9842 | August | 642-643