ARQ IVP (en)


The impact of recurrent disasters on mental health: A study on seasonal floods in northern India

AbstractIntroduction Very little is known on the impact of recurrent disasters on mental health.Aim The present study examines the immediate impact of a recurrent flood on mental health and functioning among an affected population in the rural district of Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh, India, compared with a population in the same region that is not affected by floods.Methods The study compared 318 affected respondents with 308 individuals who were not affected by floods. Symptoms of anxiety and depression were assessed by the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25).

The future of resilience research: Bouncing forward of young refugees

AbstractWhile studies on the consequences of trauma and forced migration on young refugees have focused mainly on their pathology, a focus on resilience in young refugees is needed to adequately represent their response to adversity and to help understand their needs.

The efficacy of psychosocial interventios for adults in contexts of ongoing man-made violence - A systematic review

ABSTRACTCompared to psychosocial programs implemented in post-conflict settings those executed in areas of ongoing conflicts may have different effects. Their evidence of efficacy has never been systematically reviewed. We searched PubMed, PsychInfo and the Dutch Tropical Institute Literature Portal from inception to31 January 2013 to identify studies on community-oriented psychosocial and psychiatric/clinical services for adults during ongoing manmade conflict or its direct aftermath. Of 6358 articles screened, 16 met our inclusion criteria.

Suspicious minds at risk? The role of meaning in processing war and peacekeeping experiences

The purpose of this study was to examine meaning as a mediator between perceived threat and posttraumatic stress responses among a sample of 1,561 veterans who participated in war or peacekeeping operations. Data were collected by questionnaire. Path analysis was performed to assess the expected relationships between the observed variables. Meaning in terms of distrust and personal benefits partially mediated the relation between perceived threat and posttraumatic stress responses.

Supporting children after single-incident trauma: Parents' views

AbstractObjective. To strengthen trauma-informed health care by exploring parents’ experiences of assisting their child after single-incident trauma (eg, violence, accidents, and sudden loss). Method. Semistructured interviews with parents (N = 33) of 25 exposed children (8-12 years). Results. Responsive parenting after trauma emerged as a core theme, consisting of (a) being aware of a child’s needs and (b) acting on these needs. The authors identified 14 strategies, such as comparing behavior with siblings’ behavior and providing opportunities to talk.

Police officers: a high-risk group for the development of mental health disturbances? A cohort study

Objectives Policing is generally considered a high-risk profession for the development of mental health problems, but this assumption lacks empirical evidence. Research question of the present study is to what extent mental health disturbances, such as (very) severe symptoms of anxiety, depression and hostility are more prevalent among police officers than among other occupational groups. Design Multicomparative cross-sectional study using the data of several cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in the Netherlands.

Measuring Posttraumatic Stress Reactions in Children: A Preliminary Validation of the Children's Responses to Trauma Inventory

The Children's Responses to Trauma Inventory (CRTI) is a self-report measure for posttraumatic stress reactions in children. We validated the original CRTI through secondary data analysis of four clinical and nonclinical samples (N = 96) and expert consultation. After revision, the CRTI was further validated in 8- to 12-year-old traumatized children in the general population (N = 243). The original CRTI showed moderate to excellent reliability and both convergent and discriminant validity, but it also had limitations in formulation and scope of the items.

Experiénces potentiellement traumatisantes des secouristes: lors d'une catastrophe technologique

Cet article traite des expériences vécues par les sapeurs-pompiers et les personnels des services d'aide médicale urgente pendant et immédiatement après les opérations de secours lors de la catastrophe de Ghislenghien. Une analyse phénoménologique indique que les sapeurs-pompiers ont rapporté plus de menaces vitales ressenties et d'exposition directe à la mort que les personnels des services d'aide médicale urgente.

Confrontations with aggression and mental health problems in police officers: The role of organizational stressors, life-events and previous mental health problems

The extent to which the frequency of facing aggression incidents is associated with mental health problems among police officers when organizational stressors, life-events, and previous mental health problems are taken into account is unclear. To elucidate this data from a longitudinal study of police officers was analyzed (N = 473). Mental health problems (MHPs) are here defined as severe anxiety, depression, hostility, burnout symptoms, and/or sleeping problems according the SCL-90–R and MBI. All MHPs were assessed at baseline and 27 months later.
