Training Counsellors in Areas of Armed Conflict

This article is about the learning needs of starting counsellors in areas of armed conflict. The curricula for the training of counsellors usually are based on ideas regarding which knowledge, skills and attitudes are required for effective counselling. The curricula do not always take the personal needs and backgrounds of the participants into account. Counselling trainingin areas of armed conflict can only be effective if the trainer assesses these personal backgrounds and needs and adapts his training approach accordingly.

Mental Health Programs In Areas Of Armed Conflict: The Medecins Sans Frontieres Counselling Centres In Bosnia-Hercegovina

Mental health programmes in complex emergencies are generally accepted as an important component of aid work. However, this is a relatively recen t developmen t and th ere is a lack of theory-based practice and little analysis of previous interventions upon which effective, appropriate and sustainable programmes can be based. This article describes the theoretical framework, objectives,...

Collective Trauma in Sri Lanka

The ethnic war in Sri Lanka has brought psychosocial problems for individuals and families. In addition, it has had a devastating effect on Sri Lankan society; we can speak of a collective trauma. It has caused regression of all development, destroying social capital, structures and institutions. It has also resultedin changes, for the worse, offundamental social processes like socialization, social norms and social networks.

Age-period-cohort effects on inequalities in psychological distress, 1981-2000.



In the closing decades of the twentieth century, changes in population sociodemographics took place that might be thought to have an adverse influence on the nation's psychological distress. Here, we examine the stability of social and gender inequalities in psychological distress throughout the 1980s and 1990s.


A hazardous profession : war, journalists, and psychopathology.



War journalists often confront situations of extreme danger in their work. Despite this, information on their psychological well-being is lacking.

