Psychotraumanet : information portal about critical incidents

Psychotraumanet provides access to information about the psychosocial impact of critical incidents. You can find (scientific) articles, interviews, film and audio fragments and news from the media. On Psychotraumanet, the information is divided into ten themes: World War II, resilience & organization, disasters & crises, aggression management, screening & diagnostics, evidence based treatment, complex trauma, child& family, trauma & diversity and humanitarian emergencies.


Getting started with Psychotraumanet

The Moderating Role of Context Processing in the Intergenerational Transmission of Posttraumatic Stress

This pilot study aimed to understand the moderating role of context processing (i.e. encoding and memorizing) when mothers are confronted with threatening stimuli and undergo physiologic monitoring in order to understand a possible mechanism favoring intergenerational transmission of posttraumatic stress. Thirty-one mothers (M age = 33.87 years, SD = 4.14) and their toddlers (M age = 22.66 months, SD = 7.01) participated in the study. Mothers reported adverse life events (ALE), their current posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), as well as regulatory problems of their toddler.

Colors of the mind : a meta-analysis of creative arts therapy as an approach for post-traumatic stress disorder intervention

In clinical practice, creative arts therapy is frequently utilized for the treatment of traumatized adults, with reports of favorable outcomes. However, the effectiveness of this intervention in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment has not yet been definitively established through meta-analysis. In this meta-analysis, we aim to assess the effectiveness of creative arts therapy in the management of PTSD.

Current Status and Future Directions of Artificial Intelligence in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder : A Literature Measurement Analysis

This study aims to explore the current state of research and the applicability of artificial intelligence (AI) at various stages of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including prevention, diagnosis, treatment, patient self-management, and drug development. We conducted a bibliometric analysis using software tools such as Bibliometrix (version 4.1), VOSviewer (version 1.6.19), and CiteSpace (version 6.3.R1) on the relevant literature from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC). The analysis reveals a significant increase in publications since 2017. Kerry J.

Navigating Moral Injury and the Search for Recognition : Dutch Peacekeeper Veterans Return to Lebanon

Moral injury (MI) not only impacts individuals but also damages relations between individuals and their communities. While conventional interventions focus on individual healing, veterans organize return trips to former deployment areas to mend these damaged relations.


Editorial: Special Issue on Digital Psychiatry

Despite a growing recognition of mental health challengesworldwide, there remains a significant gap between the demandfor and the availability of mental health services. The WHO es-timates that globally, up to 71% of individuals with severe mental illnesses such as psychosis receive no treatment, and accessis even more limited in low-income countries. Barriers such asstigma, resource shortages, and insufficiently trained profes-sionals may exacerbate this issue. 


Mental health during the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian War : A scoping review and unmet needs

The Russo-Ukrainian War (RUW) poses a significant mental health burden, warranting a scoping review of the evidence to shed light on the unmet needs.


School organisational trauma during student suicide crisis

Recent qualitative research in Ireland illuminates the impact of student suicide on Irish school guidance counsellors and the school organisation. It exposes distinctive factors in the overall system contributing to their experience of organisational trauma when coping with suicide aftermath. A qualitative Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis study privileged the voices of this Irish cohort of first responders to student suicide. Much international literature highlights the often severe effects of suicide trauma on mental health professionals.

The factor structure of the International Trauma Questionnaire : Heywood cases in confirmatory factor analysis

Background: A number of studies have tested the factor structure of the suggested ICD-11 symptom criteria for PTSD and complex PTSD (CPTSD) across various trauma populations, finding support for two different models in line with the ICD-11 theoretical rationale.

Objective: Here, we aim to explore the factor structure of the Danish version of the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ) by testing two alternative factor models that have previously gained support in a large sample of treatment-seeking veterans.

ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorder and complex PTSD : prevalence, predictors, and construct validity in Swiss older adults

Background: This study assessed the prevalence rates, construct validity, predictors, and psychosocial factors linked to ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD (CPTSD), as assessed by the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ) in a German-speaking sample of Swiss older adults.

