Multi-family therapy : concepts and techniques

Multi-Family Therapy (MFT) involves the bringing together of different families in a therapeutic context in order to work jointly to overcome each of their specific and very individual problems. This innovative book combines the theory and concepts of MFT with detailed practical examples of techniques and exercises that have been proven to help with problematic children, teenagers and adults. In this book Asen and Scholz discuss how MFT has been developed over the past 30 years and has been applied nationally and internationally across a range of settings with a variety of clients, including: •Children and teenagers who are excluded from school •Multi-problem families with abuse and violence who challenge social workers and the legal system •Children, teenagers and adults who present with mental health issues. Multi-Family Therapy: Concepts and Techniques is written for professionals in mental health, social work and education. Its unique pragmatic approach makes it an essential guide for anyone wishing to employ MFT.

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Eia Asen and Michael Scholz | 2010
viii, 168 p | London [etc.] : Routledge

Translation of: Praxis der Multifamilientherapie / Eia Asen, Michael Scholz. Heidelberg : Carl-Auer-Verl., 2009
Includes bibliographical references and index
Concepts and principles -- Basic techniques -- Setting the scene -- Family-oriented exercises -- Problem-focused exercises -- Working with multiproblem families -- Working with and in schools -- Eating disorders, psychosis and mood disorders -- Pragmatic considerations
Placement code: 
s7.2 ASE | C45O