ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre


Biomarkers associated with cognitive impairment in post-traumatic stress disorder : A systematic review of current evidence.

This systematic review aimed at synthesizing current evidence on biomarkers associated with cognitive impairment (CI) in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

A systematic literature search was conducted for studies assessing biomarkers associated with CI in PTSD.

Childhood trauma histories in men and women assessed by the childhood attachment and relational trauma screen (CARTS) and the global psychotrauma screen (GPS) : Results from the global collaboration on traumatic stress (GC-TS)

Whether there are biological sex differences in rates of childhood trauma exposure perpetrated by female versus male biological parents remains largely unknown. Moreover, the relative risk posed by various vulnerability factors for transdiagnostic mental health outcomes among females vs. males in adulthood has received insufficient attention.

The self-help app My Grief : Bereaved parents' experiences of helpfulness, satisfaction and usability

Mobile health (mHealth) apps have been shown to be useful to monitor and reduce mental health problems across a variety of stress-related and affective disorders, yet research on the value of apps for prolonged grief is scarce. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to elucidate bereaved parents' experiences of using the self-help app My Grief with a focus on helpfulness, satisfaction, and usability.

Moral injury and mental health among health-care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic : meta-analysis

Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, health-care workers (HCWs) may have been confronted with situations that may culminate in moral injury (MI). MI is the psychological distress that may result from perpetrating or witnessing actions that violate one’s moral codes. Literature suggests that MI can be associated with mental health problems.

Cross-national analysis of the prevalence of prolonged grief disorder

Prolonged grief disorder (PGD) is now included as a diagnosis in international classification systems. Most research on PGD is based on Western populations, but first data from non-Western countries have recently become available. Little is still known about country-related effects on PGD's prevalence.

Determining possible causes of variations in the prevalence of PGD as defined by DSM-5-TR and ICD-11 within and between countries.

Profiles of posttraumatic stress disorder and negative world assumptions in treatment-seeking refugees

Background: Refugees often suffer from trauma-related psychopathology, specifically posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Negative world assumptions are strongly correlated with the development, course, and severity of PTSD.


Objective: This study aimed to investigate whether there are distinct profiles of PTSD and negative world assumptions (NWA) and examine whether trauma load, torture, and gender differentially predict such symptom profiles.


Do insecure attachment styles predict prolonged grief symptoms? : Significant null findings

Insecure attachment is proposed to be a risk factor in the development and persistence of severe grief. Although prior research demonstrates positive cross-sectional and longitudinal correlations between attachment styles and prolonged grief symptoms, controlled longitudinal analyses yield fewer convincing results.


Childhood trauma histories in men and women assessed by the childhood attachment and relational trauma screen (CARTS) and the global psychotrauma screen (GPS) : Results from the global collaboration on traumatic stress (GC-TS)

Background: Whether there are biological sex differences in rates of childhood trauma exposure perpetrated by female versus male biological parents remains largely unknown. Moreover, the relative risk posed by various vulnerability factors for transdiagnostic mental health outcomes among females vs. males in adulthood has received insufficient attention.

Unity or Anarchy? : A Historical Search for the Psychological Consequences of Psychotrauma

The field of traumatic stress is often referred to as being in a state of controversy and lack of continuity. Throughout history, disputes repeatedly centered on defining the psychological consequences of severe adverse events and on their causes. Even to this day this is current. To understand these controversies, an extensive historical literature review is presented of how mental consequences of trauma have been described in history, of the circumstances in which this took place, and of the disputes that have influenced the conceptualization of these mental responses.


Functional brain changes after alternative pharmacological interventions in posttraumatic stress disorder : A systematic review of clinical trials

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex and heterogeneous mental health condition that can develop after exposure to a traumatic event. Clinical trials have used alternative pharmacological agents to treat PTSD, but their associated neural correlates remain unclear. The present systematic review aims to summarize the changes in brain function associated with the use of these alternative pharmacological agents in PTSD.
