ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre


Improving the understanding and treatment of complex grief: an important issue for psychotraumatology

In the Netherlands, every year 500,000 people are confronted with the death of a close relative. Many of these people experience little emotional distress. In some, bereavement precipitates severe grief, distress, and dysphoria.

A small yet significant minority of bereaved individuals develops persistent and debilitating symptoms of persistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD) (also termed prolonged grief disorder), posttraumatic stress disorder, and depression.

Knowledge about early identification of, and preventive care for complex grief has increased.

Concerns Over Divergent Approaches in the Diagnostics of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

ABSTRACT Since the inception of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, third edition (DSM-III), there has been an ongoing polemic debate about the veracity, assessment, neurobiology, and longitudinal course of the disorder. As a consequence, its clinical utility has been the subject of a significant amount of conflicting opinion due to the competing interests involving clinicians, insurance companies, victim’s groups, and governments.

Seven-Year Follow-Up Study of Symptoms in Asylum Seekers and Refugees With PTSD Treated With Trauma-Focused Groups

Objective: To examine sustainability of symptom outcomes of a 1-year phase-based traumafocused, multimodal, and multicomponent group therapy in a day treatment program for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) over an average period of 7 years.

Fatty acid concentrations in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder compared to healthy controls.



Although fatty acid (FA)-supplementation studies are currently being implemented, in fact little is known about FA-profiles in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Therefore, the present study aimed at comparing FA-concentrations between PTSD-patients and healthy controls.



Broken and guilty since it happened : A population study of trauma-related shame and guilt after violence and sexual abuse



There is increasing interest in trauma-related shame and guilt. However, much remains unknown in terms of how these emotions relate to the type of event, gender and mental health. We investigated shame and guilt in men and women following various types of severe violence and their relation to mental health.



Course and Predictors of Postdeployment Fatigue : A Prospective Cohort Study in the Dutch Armed Forces.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine course and predictors of fatigue in military personnel deployed to Afghanistan.


Effects of Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder : Randomized clinical trial

Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy (BEP) is a manualized psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which has proven effective for police officers. This article reports on a randomized clinical trial using BEP to treat other types of PTSD patients recruited from an outpatient clinic. Twenty-four patients were randomly assigned to a treatment or a waitlist group. Assessment of PTSD was made before and after the treatment period (4 months). No significant differences between the groups were observed at pretest.

Aberrant Resting-State Brain Activity in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder : a Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review

About 10% of trauma-exposed individuals develop PTSD. Although a growing number of studies have investigated resting-state abnormalities in PTSD, inconsistent results suggest a need for a meta-analysis and a systematic review.

Police officers : a high-risk group for the development of mental health disturbances? A cohort study.


Objectives Policing is generally considered a high-risk profession for the development of mental health problems, but this assumption lacks empirical evidence. Research question of the present study is to what extent mental health disturbances, such as (very) severe symptoms of anxiety, depression and hostility are more prevalent among police officers than among other occupational groups.

Design Multicomparative cross-sectional study using the data of several cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in the Netherlands.

The long-term burden of military deployment on the health care system

Health care providers need to be aware that stress complaints that result from deployment can emerge even after many years. This has important implications for health care policies. The main aim of this study is to investigate the relation between the development of posttraumatic stress and other mental health complaints and the burden on (mental) health care after a deployment.
