Lessons learned from Dutch deployed surgeons and anesthesiologists to Afghanistan: 2006-2010

INTRODUCTION: Care for battle casualties demands special skills from surgeons and anesthesiologists. The experiences of Dutch military surgeons and anesthesiologists that deployed to South Afghanistan provided an opportunity to evaluate predeployment training and preparation of military medical specialistsMETHOD: A survey was conducted among all surgeons and anesthesiologists (n = 40) that deployed to South Afghanistan between February 2006 and November 2010. They were asked about their medical preparedness, deployment experience, and postdeployment impactRESULTS: Most (35/40) participants reported high levels of preparedness before their deployment. All (40/40) surgeons and anesthesiologists described a positive influence of their deployment on their professional skills and 33/40 described a positive effect on their personal development. Knowledge of maxillofacial, ophthalmic, neurological, urological, gynecological, vascular, and thoracic surgery scored below average. Impact on mental health and social support network was reported as negative by 11/40 participants, 24/40 reported a neutral, and 5/40 a positive effectCONCLUSION: A standardized predeployment training program to prepare Dutch surgeons and anesthesiologists for combat surgery is currently lacking. These results emphasize the need for a standardized predeployment medical training, despite high levels of perceived preparedness. Also, the high mental and psychological impact on the deployed surgeons and anesthesiologists warrants further assessment.Reprint & Copyright © 2014 Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S

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Hoencamp R,Idenburg F,Vermetten E,Leenen L,Hamming J, | 2014
In: Military medicine, ISSN 0026-4075 | 179 | 7 | 711-716
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