Identity and Resilience in Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation

This chapter addresses resilience and identity in victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation. We will consider sexual exploitation as defined by commercial sexual acts which are forced by either physical or psychological means, and for which one receives no or insufficient compensation. We will first introduce various concepts relevant for understanding what factors impact resilience in victims of sexual exploitation.



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Willem F Scholte, Linda M Verhaak, Rina S Ghafoerkhan | 2021
In: Buuma Maisha; Stephanie Massicotte; Melanie Morin. Fostering resilience before, during, and after experiences of trauma : insights to inform practice across the lifetime | 14 pagina's | New York : Routledge
ISBN: 9780367702861
Boundary Violations, Child Abuse, Effects, Emotional States, Guilt, Human Trafficking, Life Experiences, Mental health, Predictors, Psychotrauma, Resilience, Sexual Harassment, Shame
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