Facilitating grief : An exploration of the function of funerals and rituals in relation to grief reactions

The loss of a loved one through death is usually followed by a funeral and engagement in various grief rituals. We examined the association between the evaluation of the  uneral, the use of grief rituals and grief reactions. Bereaved individuals from the Netherlands completed questionnaires, six months and three years post-loss (n=552/289). Although the funeral and rituals were considered helpful, no significant association between evaluation of the funeral and usage of grief rituals and grief reactions was found.  More insight in the engagement in rituals will ultimately serve bereaved individuals to cope with loss.

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Huibertha B. Mitima-Verloop, Trudy T. M. Mooren & Paul A. Boelen | 2019
In: Death Studies ISSN: 1091-7683
Online verschenen 11/11/2019
Bereavement, Coping Behavior, Emotional States, Mental health, Quality of Life, Research, Social Support