Narratieve Exposure Therapie: a Dutch congress. Amsterdam, March 21th 2014

In March, the first Dutch handbook on NET, Life Stories and Psychotrauma, will be published. On this occasion, Foundation Centrum '45 is organizing a symposium on NET. At the symposium, national and international experts will highlight the theme of life stories and psychological trauma from various angles in lectures and workshops. Speakers include Dr. Maggie Schauer and Professor Thomas Elbert (the floor mats of NET,. Univ Konstanz vivo), Prof. Selma Leydesdorff (Professor of Oral History, University of Amsterdam), Prof. Yvonne Slept (Univ of KwaZulu-Natal and director, narrative Foundation, South Africa), Prof. Eric Vermetten (Arq, LUMC and Defence) and Professor Berthold Gersons (Arq, chairman). NET topics, among others: coming home to the own life, the women of Srebrenica, The Narrative Theatre, For the Love of Battle: appetitive aggression, and Language therapy and workshops NET. Program and registration and Price € 145 (students € 100) including book. Location Planetarium Amsterdam Zuidoost. Accreditation applied for: NVvP, VGCT, FGzP, NVRG and NIP. Life stories and Psychotrauma (Ruud Jongedijk) is published by Boom and is part of the Arq series. Spring Symposium Arq Psychological Expert Group March 21, 2014.

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Jongedijk R,Schauer M,Elbert T,Leydesdorff S, | 2014

Levensverhalen en Psychotrauma, At Amsterdam
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