Memory traces of trauma: Neurocognitive aspects of and therapeutic approaches for posttraumatic stress disorder

In the Netherlands, 81% of the general population experiences at least one potentially traumatic event in their life, such as a traffic accident, assault, rape, or disaster. Around 7% of people fulfill the criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder at some point during their life. Certain details of the traumatic experience, such as the rifle of a gun, are remembered extensively by these survivors and may continue to show up in their mind in forms of flashbacks and nightmares, accompanied by intense emotions. Other details seem to have less priority in information processing and are easily forgotten, such as the order in which the events happened. Because of the continued focus on danger, less capacity is available for daily memory functioning. The aim of this thesis is to investigate these 'traces' engraved by a traumatic experience in memory and to examine how they are amenable to change by psychological therapy.

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Nijdam MJ, | 2013
's-Hertogenbosch: Uitgeverij BOXpress.
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