Deconstructing delayed posttraumatic stress disorder

The purpose of the research in this book was to establish the prevalence of delayed PTSD and to examine factors that may explain its occurrence. In addition, we aimed at exploring the likelihood and role of prodromal symptoms (symptoms of PTSD that occur during the interval between traumatic event exposure and the onset of full delayed PTSD) and possible implications of delayed PTSD for mental health service utilization. Our last aim was to explore the possible relevance of stress sensitization (i.e., enhanced reactivity to stressors due to prior extreme stressor exposure) for symptom progression in delayed PTSD.
Study 1: Delayed PTSD meta-analysis. Study 2: Late-onset PTSD following a disaster. Study 3: Late-onset PTSD in unaccompanied refugee minors. Study 4: Stress sensitization following a disaster. Study 5: The role of stress sensitization in PTSD progression following deployment. 

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Geert E. Smid | 2011
191 p | Diemen , Arq Psychotrauma Expertgroep i.s.m. Uitgeverij Boom
s8 SMI-I | UPD1
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