Children Following the Ghislenghien Gas Explosion: PTSD Predictors and Risk Factors

This paper describes the risk factors for the development of posttraumatic stress reactions in children after a technological disaster in Ghislenghien, Belgium in 2004. Children were assessed at five months (T1, N=128) and at fourteen months (T2, N=69). At T1 and T2 respectively, 7 % and 4 % of the responding children showed severe posttraumatic stress reactions. Of those who showed posttraumatic stress reactions at T1, 60%recovered from these symptoms at T2. One child developed severe posttraumatic stress reactions between T1 and T2. Risk factors related to posttraumatic stress reactions were: (a) type of exposure to the disaster, (b) peritraumatic dissociation during or immediately after the disaster, and (c) dissatisfaction with the received psychological help

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Soir Ed,Zech E,Alisic E,Versporten A,Oyen Hv,Kleber R,Mylle J, | 2014
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma | 7 | 1 | 51-62
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