Stress at work : Self‐monitoring of stressors and resources to support employees

High levels of stress at work may have serious consequences for employee functioning and mental health. By providing employees with an easily accessible instrument to regularly evaluate stressors and resources, employee self‐monitoring and guidance to support can be accommodated. We evaluated an online selfmonitoring tool Brief Assessment of Stress and Energy (BASE). Through their organization, 139 railway emergency services employees were invited to complete BASE and six wellbeing measures. We assessed BASE in two ways: using multiple regression analysis (N = 102, 73.4%), as well as by telephone follow‐up interviews during which experts and respondents evaluated the BASE outcome (N = 67, 65.7%). Explained variances of BASE on the six wellbeing measures ranged between 26.6% and 49.9%.


Telephone interviews confirmed the BASE outcome. The results indicate that BASE is associated with several measures of wellbeing and accurately refers respondents to counseling. This study shows that BASE is a promising instrument to encourage employees to self‐monitor stressors and resources and identify those who need counseling.

Merel Marjolein van Herpen | Hans te Brake | Miranda Olff | 2022
In: Stress & Health ; ISSN: 1532-2998 | 38 | 2 | 402-409
Anxiety Disorders, Burnout, Depressive Disorders, Employees, Netherlands, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Psychotrauma, PTSD (en), Quality of Life, Regression, Resilience, Social Support, Statistical Analysis, Stressors