Experiences of Treatment-Seeking Children and Young People Following Parental Intimate Partner Homicide
This study provided a detailed description of the experiences of 60 treatment-seeking children and young people following parental intimate partner homicide (PIPH) in the United Kingdom, and evaluated the potential effectiveness of the traumatic grief focused cognitive behavioral therapy they received.
A paired samples t-test showed that mean pre-and post-treatment posttraumatic stress scores decreased significantly, with a large effect size. Reliable change indices indicated that 75% improved and 25% remained unchanged. Despite the severe consequences for children and young people following PIPH and the great variability in their experiences, results promisingly show that they may benefit from treatment.
Suzan Soydas, Geert E. Smid, Eva Alisic, Barbara Goodfellow, Rachel Wilson, and Paul A. Boelen | 2023
In: Homicides Studies ; ISSN: 1088-7679
Online ahead of print doi: 10.1177/10887679231173881
In: Homicides Studies ; ISSN: 1088-7679
Online ahead of print doi: 10.1177/10887679231173881
Adolescents, Bereavement, British, Children, Family Violence, Homicide, Instruments, Mental health, Parents, Partners, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Psychotrauma, PTSD (en), Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Traumatic Grief, Treatment, Young Adults
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