ARQ Centrum’45 (en)


Systematic review : REM sleep, dysphoric dreams and nightmares as transdiagnostic features of psychiatric disorders with emotion dysregulation - Clinical implications

Background: Fragmented rapid eye movement (REM) sleep disrupts the overnight resolution of emotional distress, a process crucial for emotion regulation. Emotion dysregulation, which is common across psychiatric disorders, is often associated with sleep disturbances. This systematic review explores how REM sleep and nightmares affect emotion processing and regulation in individuals with psychiatric disorders where emotion dysregulation is a key concern, suggesting novel sleep-related treatment pathways.

Moral Injury in Treatment-Seeking Police Officers : A Qualitative Study

Objective: In their work, police officers are routinely exposed to potentially traumatic events, some of which may also be morally distressing. Moral injury refers to the multidimensional impact of exposure to such potentially morally injurious events (PMIEs). Mainly originating from a military context, there is little empirical research on moral injury in policing. The aim of this study was to gain insight into what PMIEs and moral injury in police officers entail.


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Dissociation in a Clinical Sample of Refugees in the Netherlands : Evidence for a Dissociative Subtype

An increasing number of studies have been investigating the co-occurrence of posttraumatic symptoms and dissociation in trauma-exposed samples. As traumatized refugees are particularly susceptible to developing posttraumatic stress  disorder (PTSD), the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between PTSD and dissociation in a traumatized refugee sample. 


Assessing local service providers’ needs for scaling up MHPSS interventions for Ukrainian refugees : Insights from Poland, Slovakia, and Romania

Providing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support interventions (MHPSS) for forcibly displaced Ukrainians in Central and Eastern Europe poses numerous challenges due to various socio-cultural and infrastructural factors. This qualitative study explored implementation barriers reported by service providers of in-person and digital MHPSS for Ukrainian refugees displaced to Poland, Romania and Slovakia due to the war. In addition, the study aimed to generate recommendations to overcome these barriers.


Moral injury appraisals and PTSD symptoms in treatment-seeking refugees : a latent profile analysis

Objective: Refugees flee from countries due to war, violence, or persecution and are often exposed to potentially traumatic events (PTEs). Furthermore, they might encounter situations where they are compelled to act contrary to their moral codes or witness others acting morally wrong. Consequently, they are at risk to not only develop symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but also moral injury (MI). To date, MI in traumatized refugees has received limited research attention.

Dissociative Subtype of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and its Correlates Among Treatment-Seeking Refugees

The dissociative subtype of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD-DS) denotes a severe type of PTSD associated with complex trauma exposure and psychiatric comorbidity. Refugees may be at heightened risk of developing PTSD-DS, but research is lacking. This cross-sectional study aimed to examine PTSD-DS and its demographic, trauma-related, and clinical correlates among a convenience sample of refugee patients over 18 years old who were diagnosed with PTSD according to DSM-5.

Predictors of study dropout in cognitive-behavioural therapy with a trauma focus for post-traumatic stress disorder in adults : An individual participant data meta-analysis

Background Available empirical evidence on participant-level factors associated with dropout from psychotherapies for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is both limited and inconclusive. More comprehensive understanding of the various factors that contribute to study dropout from cognitive-behavioural therapy with a trauma focus (CBT-TF) is crucial for enhancing treatment outcomes.


Video-feedback intervention to promote positive parenting and sensitive discipline in early elementary education (VIPP-School) : a randomized controlled trial

The VIPP-SD (Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline) program has been shown to promote positive interactions between parents and children with behavior problems. This study evaluated an adapted version for teachers (VIPP-School) through a parallel-group randomized controlled trial involving 58 teacher–child dyads from kindergarten to second grade. Teacher–child dyads were randomly assigned to VIPP-School (n = 28) or an active control group (n = 30).


Factors associated with posttraumatic stress severity and treatment response in a retrospective, naturalistic sample of homicidally bereaved children and young people

Background: Research on the mental health of homicidally bereaved children and young people is scarce. Despite the importance of timely referral of those at risk of developing severe mental health problems, few convincing risk factors have been identified. The effectiveness of current treatment models is unclear.


Coping styles in refugees with PTSD : Results from a randomized trial comparing

While treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in refugees is generally effective, many refugees remain symptomatic after treatment. Coping styles could be relevant to PTSD treatment response and as such may be a potential focus of PTSD treatment.


The study aims to examine 1) if baseline coping styles are related to treatment response after EMDR therapy or stabilization, and 2) if coping styles change during these treatments.

