ARQ Centrum’45 (en)


Neurobiological mechanisms underlying delayed expression of posttraumatic stress disorder : A scoping review

The capacity of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to occur with delayed onset has been documented in several systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Neurobiological models of PTSD may provide insight into the mechanisms underlying the progressive increase in PTSD symptoms over time as well as into occasional occurrences of long-delayed PTSD with few prodromal symptoms. 


To obtain an overview of key concepts explaining and types of evidence supporting neurobiological underpinnings of delayed PTSD. 


Psychopathology and resilience in older adults with posttraumatic stress disorder : a randomized controlled trial comparing narrative exposure therapy and present-centered therapy

Objective: Using data from a randomized controlled trial on psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in older adults (aged >55), this study aimed at analysing the efficacy of two psychological interventions in terms of self-reported symptoms, comorbid  psychopathology and resilience outcomes.


Tailored immersion : implementing personalized components into virtual reality

With the application of virtual reality (VR), tailored interventions can be created that mirror the traumatic experiences of veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Visual elements can be mimicked, and auditory and other senses stimulated. In doing so, the degree of immersion can be adjusted to optimize the therapeutic process.


Child Adjustment to Parental Cancer : A Latent Profile Analysis

Objective: This study aimed to identify latent classes of adjustment in children confronted with parental cancer, based on profiles of traumatic stress symptoms, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and satisfaction with life. In addition, correlates of classes were examined.


Identity and Resilience in Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation

This chapter addresses resilience and identity in victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation. We will consider sexual exploitation as defined by commercial sexual acts which are forced by either physical or psychological means, and for which one receives no or insufficient compensation. We will first introduce various concepts relevant for understanding what factors impact resilience in victims of sexual exploitation.



A framework of meaning attribution following loss

The loss of a loved one causes the world and the place of the bereaved survivor in it to change irreversibly. A key aspect of the grieving process is the integration of the loss in the bereaved survivor’s life story, identity change, and a new future orientation through meaning attribution. Meaning attribution can have favourable or unfavourable effects on the grieving process and hence determines the extent to which a loss disrupts the bereaved survivor’s functioning.


Disturbed Sleep in PTSD : Thinking Beyond Nightmares

Sleep disturbances frequently co-occur with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Insomnia and nightmares are viewed as core symptoms of PTSD. Yet, relations between disturbed sleep and PTSD are far more complex: PTSD is linked to a broad range of sleep disorders and disturbed sleep markedly affects PTSD-outcome.


Development and psychometric evaluation of the Transdiagnostic Decision Tool : matched care for patients with a mental disorder in need of highly specialised care

Early identification of patients with mental health problems in need of highly specialised care could enhance the timely provision of appropriate care and improve the clinical and cost-effectiveness of treatment strategies. Recent research on the development and psychometric evaluation of diagnosis-specific decision-support algorithms suggested that the treatment allocation of patients to highly specialised mental healthcare settings may be guided by a core set of transdiagnostic patient factors.


Treatment response and treatment response predictors of a multidisciplinary day clinic for police officers with PTSD

Objective: Police officers typically face multiple potentially traumatic events and consequently have a higher conditional probability of developing PTSD. Although most police officers with PTSD benefit from first-line treatment, it is unknown whether recommended intensification of treatment for low responders is effective and which factors contribute to response. This study aimed to examine the treatment response of a day clinic for police officers with PTSD and identify predictors of treatment response.

