Narratives of suffering of South Asian immigrant survivors of domestic violence

This article examines the narratives of suffering expressed by a group of South Asian immigrant survivors of domestic violence who accessed a mental health clinic in New York City. These accounts illustrate women's own perceptions of their suffering and symptoms and provide a window into the South Asian immigrant community's ideologies and moral domains regarding gender, violence, and sickness,...

Langzeitverläufe stationärer Psychotherapie bei komplexen Traumafolgestörungen

Das integrative Behandlungskonzept der Station 9 im Asklepios Fachklinikum Göttingen vereint die Psychodynamisch Imaginative Traumatherapie (PITT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) sowie Elemente der Dialektisch Behavioralen Therapie (DBT). Behandelt werden Frauen mit komplexen posttraumatischen Symptombildern überwiegend nach Typ-II-Traumatisierungen. Die kurzfristige...

Was passiert nach der stationären Stabilisierung mit komplex traumatisierten PTB-Patientinnen? Die Bedeutung von Stabilisierung und Konfrontation für die Behandlung traumatisierter Frauen

Female patients diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and additional complex backgrounds mostly receive stabilizing interventions when they are transferred into German inpatient treatments. This is assuming that patients after successful stabilization will be treated afterwards with trauma-confrontational methods in an outpatient setting. The following publication has two goals: First is to offer a quantitative literature review pertaining to stabilization and confrontational methods for patients with complex PTSD.

Underdiagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder in at risk youth

Three studies examined the diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in agencies treating at risk youth. Studies 1 and 2 (1999) found that baseline PTSD diagnosis was rare in a residential and an outpatient agency (2.3% and 5.4%, respectively) whereas trauma-focused interviews identified PTSD in 47.7% and 44.6% of these clients. Subsequent training efforts increased awareness of PTSD and recognition of unique issues in assessing at risk youth.

Can Asylum-Seekers with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Be Successfully Treated? A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

Rates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are exceptionally high among asylum-seekers. Reportedly, stressors caused by the asylum procedure and psychological consequences of torture contribute to the maintenance of symptoms and interfere with treatment. In a pilot randomized controlled trial, the authors examined the efficacy of trauma-focused treatment in 32 asylum-seekers with PTSD resulting from state-sponsored violence and other traumatic events. Narrative exposure therapy (NET) was compared with treatment as usual (TAU), with a focus on stabilization and psychoactive medication.

Asylum seekers'perspectives on their mental health and views on health and social services: contributions for service provision using a mixed-methods approach

The literature tends to use ‘asylum seeker’ and ‘refugee’ interchangeably, creating uncertainty about the mental health of asylum seekers. However, asylum seekers occupy a unique position in British society which differentiates them from people with refugee status and which may have implications for their mental health. For example, ‘asylum seekers’ are supported and accommodated in dispersal areas under the National Asylum Support Service and they are not entitled to work.

Emotion-specific and emotion-non-specific components of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) : implications for a taxonomy of related psychopathology

Many cognitive theories of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including our own SPAARS model, propose that one basis of the disorder is the cognitive system’s persistent failure to resolve discrepancies between trauma-related information and the content of pre-existing mental representations, such as schemas. This leads to the characteristic PTSD symptom pattern of re-experiencing and avoidance of trauma-related material.
