Assessing the Sensitivity and Specificity of the MAYSI-2 for Detecting Trauma among Youth in Juvenile Detention

This study investigated the sensitivity and specificity of the most widely used mental health screening instrument in juvenile detention, the Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument (MAYSI-2), for detecting trauma and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among detained youth. The MAYSI-2 scales measuring Substance Use, Anger/Irritability, Depression/Anxiety, and Traumatic Experiences contributed to the prediction of PTSD symptoms, however, only Depression/Anxiety contributed to the prediction of associated symptoms for girls. The ROC curves technique indicated that the Traumatic Experiences scale was a moderately accurate predictor of likely Full or Partial PTSD but not superior to the other MAYSI-2 scales. These results suggest further work is needed to develop measures that are sensitive to the experiences of delinquent youth with histories of complex trauma.

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Kerig PK,Moeddel MA,Becker SP, | 2011
In: Child & Youth Care Forum, ISSN 1053-1890 | 40 | 5 | october | 345-362