Psychosomatiek bij vluchtelingen

Clinical experience in psychiatry shows the problem of somatizing patients, especially in the group of non-western migrants and refugees. A literature search of somatization in refugees shows a more differentiated view. Some studies report no difference in somatization between refugees and the general population, whereas others do. The majority of studies, however, indicate a high amount of somatic complaints in refugees, mostly of unknown origin. Potential, not mutually exclusive, explanations of this high number of somatic complaints in the refugee population include general psychopathology, specifically traumatisation, results of torture, and stigmatisation of psychiatric care. A specific care program should be constructed, directed at the treatment of somatization in refugees.

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Hans Rohlof | 2011
In: Psychologie & Gezondheid = ISSN 1873-1791 | 39 | 3 | 154-158

Themanummer: Trauma en cultuur
vluchtelingen, psychosomatiek, somatiek, Somatisch Onvoldoende verklaarde Lichamelijke Klachten (SOLK), psychopathologie, traumatische ervaringen, psychotrauma (nl), PTSD (nl), PTSD (nl), cultuur, literatuuronderzoek