Sex and gender in psychotrauma research

Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is two to three times more common in women than in men. To better understand this phenomenon, we need to know why men, women, and possibly individuals with other sex/gender identities respond differently to trauma. To stimulate sex and gender sensitive research, the European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) was the first journal to adopt a gender policy. In addition, a call for papers entitled Integrating and Evaluating Sex and Gender in Psychotrauma Research was announced.

Objective: This special issue synthesizes the past five years of psychotrauma research with regard to sex/gender differences.

Method: Seventy-seven articles were identified from EJPT archives, including five systematic reviews. These articles examined sex differences and/or gender differences in exposure to trauma, posttraumatic stress responses, or how sex and gender impacts (mental) health outcomes or treatment responses.

Results: Findings from these studies outlined that: 1. sex and gender still need to be more clearly defined, also in relation to the context that codetermine trauma responses, like other ‘diversity’ variables; 2. in most studies, sex and gender are measured or reported as binary variables; 3. sex and gender are important variables when examining trauma exposure, responses to these events, symptoms trajectories, and mental and physical health outcomes across the life span; and 4. in PTSD treatment studies, including a meta-analysis and a systematic review, sex and gender were not significant predictors of treatment outcome.

Conclusion: Future research must focus on sex and gender as important and distinct variables; they should include sex and gender in their statistical analyses plan to better clarify associations between these variables and (responses to) psychotrauma. To enhance reporting of comparable data across studies, we provide suggestions for future research, including how to assess sex and gender.


  • Sex and gender are increasingly introduced as important and distinct variables in the field of psychotrauma, but there is a need to move beyond the binary conceptualization.
  • Concrete suggestions on how to assess sex and gender are provided.
  • Sex and gender both influence the rates of specific types of traumatic events, responses to these events, longitudinal symptoms trajectories, and mental and physical health outcomes across the life span.
Willemien Langeland & Miranda Olff | 2024
In: European Journal of Psychotraumatology ; ISSN: 2000-8066 | 15 | 1 | juni | 2358702
Adolescents, Adults, Child Abuse, Childhood Adversities, Children, Exposure, Gender Issues, Identity, Neurobiology, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Predictors, Prolonged Grief Disorder, Psychopharmacology, Psychotrauma, PTSD (DSM-5), PTSD (en), Research, Traumatic events, Treatment
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