Perspectives on dying in severe and enduring eating disorders (SEEDs) : A qualitative study among Dutch mental healthcare providers

Dying of severe and enduring eating disorders (SEEDs) was studied using semi-structured interviews (n=7) and a follow-up videoconferencing focus group (n=3) with Dutch mental healthcare providers. We identified three main themes: the uncertainties of dying from SEEDs, dilemmas in defining treatment resistance and palliative care, and suicidal ideation and intent.


There were two contrasting perspectives on good care, both centering on the patient. While mental healthcare providers strive toward healthy living, palliative care strives toward quality of life and dying. Clarifying underlying concepts enables flexibility in applying these perspectives to optimize individual patient care.

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Joanna Wojtkowiak, Eline Geusendam, Rob van Dijk & Geert E. Smid | 2024
In: Death Studies ; ISSN: 0748-1187 | 48 | 1 | 43-53
Adults, Casuistry, Diagnosis, Eating Disorders, Effects, Followup Study, Guilt, Mental Health Personnel, Netherlands, Palliative Care, Personal Interview, Quality of Life, Suicidal ideation, Treatment
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