Conceptualizing Vulnerability for Health Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Associated Measures in Utrecht and Zeist : A Concept Map

The COVID-19 pandemic and the associated measures have impacted the health of many. Not all population groups are equally vulnerable to such health effects, possibly increasing health inequalities. We performed a group concept mapping procedure to define a common, contextspecific understanding of what makes people vulnerable to health effects of the pandemic and the measures. We organized a two-step, blended brainstorming session with locally involved community members, using the brainstorm focus prompt ‘What I think makes people vulnerable for the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures is . . . ’. We asked participants to generate as many statements as possible. Participants then individually structured (sorted and ranked) these statements. 


The structuring data was analysed using the groupwisdom™ software and then interpreted by the researchers to generate the concept map. Ninety-eight statements were generated by 19 participants. Sixteen participants completed both structuring tasks. The final concept map consisted of 12 clusters of vulnerability factors, indicating a broad conceptualization of vulnerability during the pandemic. It is being used as a basis for future research and local supportive interventions. Concept mapping is an effective method to arrive at a vulnerability  assessment in a community in a short time and, moreover, a method that promotes community engagement.

Lilian G. L. van der Ven, Elisa L. Duinhof, Michel L. A. Dückers, Marielle Jambroes and Marja J. H. van Bon-Martens | 2021
In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ; ISSN: 1660-4601 | 18 | november | 12163
Communities, COVID-19 (en), Effects, Epidemiology, Mental health, Natural Disasters, Netherlands, Primary Health Care, Quality of Life, Research, Vulnerability
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