The post-war generation remembers : A mixed-method study exploring children’s attitudes towards World War II commemoration

This study investigated how children, a post-war generation without direct connection to war, relate to the commemoration of World War II (WWII). Seven group interviews were held among pupils in the Netherlands, aged 9 to 18 (n = 55) and, subsequently, questionnaires
were administered to other pupils (n = 374).


Results revealed that children are affected by the collective narrative of WWII, and connect to commemoration on a social and emotional level. Comprehension, tangibility, inclusiveness and a right atmosphere are key elements to appreciate a commemoration. Insights from this study may help societies practice more appealing remembrances with post-war generations.

Huibertha B. Mitima-Verloop | Paul A. Boelen | Trudy T. M. Mooren | 2021
In: Children & Society ; ISSN: 1099-0860
Epub DOI: 10.1111/chso.12531
Casuistry, Children, Commemoration, Education, Netherlands, Post-war generation, Research, World War II