The translation and validation of the dutch monash dog-owner relationship scale (Mdors).

The Monash Dog-Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS) is a questionnaire that is used to evaluate the perceived relationship between humans and their dog. This questionnaire was originally only formulated and validated in English, which limits its use among non-English speaking individuals. Although a translation could be made, the translation of questionnaires without additional validation often impairs the reliability of that questionnaire. Therefore, the aim of this study was to validate a translation of the MDORS that is suitable for use among native Dutch speakers. To achieve this, a Dutch translation of the MDORS was made and checked for spelling/grammar mistakes, readability, feasibility, and clarity. A test-retest comparison was subsequently performed on the translation together with a calculation of Cronbach's alpha score and principal component analysis (PCA). Through the PCA, we found that the three-factor model of the original MDORS was also largely present in the Dutch translation. However, deviations were also found, as several questions did not achieve high PCA scores in their original factor. Therefore, we propose that these questions are excluded from the Dutch MDORS.

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Emmy A.E. van Houtert, Nienke Endenburg, Joris J. Wijnker, T. Bas Rodenburg, Hein A. van Lith and Eric Vermetten | 2019
In: Animals, ISSN: 2076-2615 | 9 | 5 | 249
Nonhuman Animals, Research, Validity
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