Reciprocal relations between symptoms of complicated grief, depression, and anxiety following job loss : A cross-lagged analysis.

Objective: Involuntary job loss can lead to symptoms of complicated grief (CG), depression, and anxiety. Information about the temporal linkage between these symptoms is limited and may have implications for the treatment of those suffering from mental health complaints after dismissal. The aim of this study was to explore the possible reciprocal relationships between symptoms of CG, depression, and anxiety following involuntary job loss. 

Method: We recruited 128 Dutch workers who had lost their job within the past twelve months, including 72 males and 56 females with an average age of 49.8 (SD = 9.0) years. They completed questionnaires tapping CG, depression, and anxiety symptoms at baseline (Time 1) and a 6-month follow-up (Time 2). Several cross-lagged panel models were compared. 

Results: Our analyses indicated that CG symptom severity following job loss at Time 1 predicted depression at Time 2, but not vice versa. Similar results were found for job loss-related CG and anxiety symptoms. 

Conclusion: Symptom-levels of CG following job loss predict later depression and anxiety symptoms more strongly than vice versa. This implies that screening and targeting job loss-related CG symptoms with early interventions might protect individuals from developing depression or anxiety symptoms after their dismissal.


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Van Eersel, J. H. W., Taris, T. W., Boelen, P. A. | 2020
In: Clinical Psychologist, ISSN:1742-9552
online: februari 2020
Anxiety Symptoms, Bereavement, Depressive Symptoms, Mental health, Research, Traumatic Grief, Unemployment
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