Exposure to combat and deployment; reviewing the military context in The Netherlands

This paper reviews the military context of exposure to combat and deployment in Dutch soldiers. It does so by reviewing war victims and military psychiatry after WWII in the Netherlands, and describes Dutch deployments from the late 1970s to the present. ‘Who is the Dutch soldier’ is asked to articulate the mental load on the individual soldier before, during, and after deployment. The narrative review of this paper allows one to review how the armed forces personnel is challenged in relation to their specific assignment and in what respect the psychological dimensions are addressed and met in the face of risk and adversity. Finally, some critical considerations for future veterans care programmes are raised.


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Eric Vermetten and Jan Ambaum | 2019
In: International Review of Psychiatry ISSN: 0954-0261 | 31 | 1 | 49-59
Deployment, Injuries, Literature Review, Military Personnel, Military Psychiatry, Netherlands, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD (en), World War II
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