Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Prevention and Treatment Guidelines : Methodology and Recommendations

This document includes the recommendations and describes the methodology used to develop them. Important issues that should be considered when interpreting the recommendations, and translating them into practice, are highlighted. It was decided to publish the recommendations and position papers in advance of the book as they represent a comprehensive and up-to-date synthesis of high quality research evidence that is likely to help practitioners in their work. 

It is, however, important to highlight that the Effective Treatments for PTSD book will provide the detailed narrative required to assist practitioners to make fully informed decisions about the applicability of the recommendations to specific clinical situations.


1.1. The updated ISTSS PTSD Prevention and Treatment Guidelines Methodology and Recommendations, and Position Papers on Complex PTSD are available to download through the ISTSS website, along with the evidence summaries that generated the recommendations. These documents are key components of the updated Guidelines; the final component, the third edition of Effective Treatments for PTSD, is due to be published at the end of 2019 and will focus on providing practitioners with more detailed guidance on the use of the recommendations and position papers to inform clinical practice. 

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The ISTSS Guidelines Committee: Lucy Berliner, Jonathan Bisson (Chair), Marylene Cloitre, David Forbes (Vice Chair), Lutz Goldbeck, Tine Jensen, Catrin Lewis, Candice Monson, Miranda Olff, Steve Pilling, David Riggs, Neil Roberts, Francine Shapiro | 2019
29 pages | Oakbrook Terrace : The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS)
Complex PTSD, Methodology, PTSD (DSM-5), PTSD (ICD-11), Treatment
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