Latent class analysis of indicators of intolerance of uncertainty

Intolerance of Uncertainty (IU) is a transdiagnostic vulnerability factor involved in depression and anxiety symptoms and disorders. IU encompasses Prospective IU (“Unforeseen events upset me greatly”) and Inhibitory IU (“The smallest doubt can stop me from acting”). Research has yet to explore whether subgroups or classes of people exist characterized by different profiles of IU.

This study used latent class analysis to identify such subgroups and examined if different classes of IU were distinct in terms of several cognitive vulnerabilities and psychological symptoms. Data were obtained from 519 students completing a 12-item measure of IU. Four subgroups were identified, characterized by low IU, predominantly Prospective IU, predominantly Inhibitory IU, and high IU, respectively.

People in the high IU class reported cognitive vulnerabilities and depression and anxiety more than people in the low IU class. Inhibitory IU was more strongly associated with poor outcomes than was Prospective IU.

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Paul A. Boelen and Lonneke I.M. Lenferink | 2018
In: Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, ISSN 0036-5564 ; eISSN 1467-9450 | 59 | 3 | June | 243-251
Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders
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