Creative arts in psychotherapy treatment protocol for children after trauma

In this article we introduce a Creative Arts in Psychotherapy (CAP) treatment protocol for children who have been traumatized, aiming to enhance their psychological wellbeing and strengthening positive development. The protocol combines principles of group dynamics and multimodal arts activities in order to facilitate healing through the three stages of the trauma recovery model; creating a safe space, telling the trauma story, and preparing the children to return to the community.

The programme takes place over a period of ten 90-minute sessions. The CAP therapeutic process is designed to be run in groups of six to eight participants in the age between 8 to 12 years. The described protocol aims to bring more uniformity in the management of child trauma in multicultural and under-resourced communities. It can be carried out by any qualified health care professional, where clients are seeking help and relief.

Nadine van Westrhenen, Elzette Fritz, Helen Oosthuizen, Suzan Lemont, Adri Vermeer, Rolf J. Kleber | 2017
In: The Arts in Psychotherapy, ISSN 0197-4556 | 54 | 128–135
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