Introducing thematic clusters of articles

The European Journal of Psychotraumatogy (EJPT) is becoming an important repository of knowledge for the field of psychotraumatology. Since its launch in December 2010 (see Olff, 2010, Olff & Bindslev, 2011) new ideas and initiatives have developed to further increase visibility and easy access to papers published in the Journal. Most scientific journals include in their editorial strategies the publication of special issues—invited or proposed—where a group of clustered papers delineate the state-of-the-art of a theme of topical interest for the scientific community. The EJPT Editorial Board has now also decided to launch a series of special issues—or Thematic Clusters of papers as we prefer to call them—presenting new research or clinical practice papers to the benefit of both experienced researchers and those who are new to the field. Since EJPT is an open access journal and all content is thus freely available online, such thematic clusters will in a crucial way contribute to fostering the ongoing debate of specific “hot” topics and facilitate a shared understanding of clinical and empirical findings.

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Olff M, | 2012
European Journal of Psychotraumatology | 3 | Juli | 18967
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