Are we happy with the impact factor?

Which journal should I choose for the publication of my research? Which indicators of quality are important? How do I best reach a wide and international audience? Which journal within my field has most impact or the highest Impact Factor? In the end, what I’m looking for is a high-quality venue that at the same time allows my paper to be read, used, and cited by as many readers as possible.
Although many researchers see the publication of their works in Open Access journals as the most efficient way to increase impact simply because they are freely accessible, many academics are at the same time expected, and sometimes even required, to publish in journals that are covered by Web of Science (WoS) and have an impact factor.
Thus, when speaking about a journal’s impact, most often we mean the impact factor as it is calculated by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI, Thomson Reuters). It refers to the frequency with which a journal’s articles are cited in other scientific publications with an impact factor over a period of time. However, the impact factor is now perceived as more than just a measure of citations, it has become a metric used to evaluate the researcher himself/herself and even academic institutions. Often, other types of clinical, societal, or other impacts are ignored in this context, which has been heavily criticized over the years (e.g. Williams, 2007).

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Olff M, | 2014
In: European journal of psychotraumatology, ISSN 2000-8066 | 5 | 26084
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