Effects of Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder : Randomized clinical trial

Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy (BEP) is a manualized psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which has proven effective for police officers. This article reports on a randomized clinical trial using BEP to treat other types of PTSD patients recruited from an outpatient clinic. Twenty-four patients were randomly assigned to a treatment or a waitlist group. Assessment of PTSD was made before and after the treatment period (4 months). No significant differences between the groups were observed at pretest. By posttest, BEP had effectively reduced PTSD as well as general anxiety symptoms in the treated group of outpatients as compared to the waitlist group.

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Ramón J.L. Lindauer, Berthold P.R. Gersons, Els P.M. van Meijel, Karin Blom, Ingrid V.E. Carlier, Ineke Vrijlandt, & Miranda Olff | 2005
In: Journal of Traumatic Stress, ISSN 0894-9867 | 18 | 3 | juni | 205–212
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