Handbook : Voices of victims of terrorism

This handbook is a compilation of experiences shared during the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) meetings of the Voices of Victims working group (RAN VVT), held from 2012 to 2015. The RAN VVT working group considered how testimonies from victims of terrorism can work as a powerful
narrative in countering violent extremism (CVE).
The handbook aims to disseminate the shared experiences with those involved in supporting victims. Besides victim organisations, it also aims to reach out to a broader audience: educators, youth workers and other professionals working on CVE (e.g. prison/probation staff or community police).
Furthermore, this handbook offers recommendations to support decision-making processes. A distinction has been made between the recommendations for victim organisations, those for European Union (EU) Member States and those for the European Commission. The handbook does not aim to be comprehensive, but rather to provide a framework for those dealing with testimonies of victims of terrorism.

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Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc, Luca Guglielminetti, Josée Netten, Stéphane Lacombe, Maarten van de Donk, Jerry Galesloot, & Pomme Woltman | 2016
26 pagina's | Amsterdam : radicalisation awareness network (RAN)
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