TERRA toolkit

TERRA is a two year Europe wide network based prevention and learning project, funded by the European Commission, DG Home Affairs. It is carried out by Impact Knowledge and Advice Centre, Amsterdam, and AV11M, Madrid. TERRA takes a preventative approach towards radicalisation leading to terrorism. On the basis of state of the art research and consultations with front liners, academic experts, victims of terrorism and former terrorists, it proposesa community approach designed to address the grievances which form the motivational factors of radicalisation, identify and halt the progress of an individual through the radicalisation process and finally, if necessary, prevent them from undertaking a terrorist act.
This toolkit takes the community approach as a starting point. It is primarily meant to support existing or new networks of teachers, social workers, law enforcement, religious leaders, and local and national policy makers on exchanging information on young people or for example on people in a troubled neighbourhood. It also informs journalists and policy makers on influences they may have on background factors of radicalisation. Our tools are aimed at professionals Europe wide, and they attempt to address all of the commonest forms of extremism in Europe – right wing extremism, left wing extremism, Islamist extremism, separatism and single issue extremism. One tool – that for religious leaders – focusses only on Islamist extremism. The toolkit comprises: • A general background document which covers the objectives, presuppositions and starting points, implications for use and implementation. • Separate tools for each target group • Video material • Website with background information (our literature review, links to background documents for each target group, a bibliography and an overview of relevant links to preventative programmes or possible partners).

Holly Young, Magda Rooze, Jorien Holsappel, Arjan de Wolf, Jonathan Russell, & Usama Hasan | 2014
67 p. | [Diemen] : Impact, partner in Arq
Diemen : Impact / AV11M : Madrid TERRA is a two year, Europe wide, network based prevention and learning project, funded by the European Commission, DG Home Affairs. It is carried out by Impact Knowle
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