Getraumatiseerde ouders en de relatie met hun kinderen in historisch en cultureel perspectief
Traumatized parents and their relationship with their children in a historical and cultural perspective Whether or not children can be affected by the traumatization of their parents has been the topic of a longstanding discussion. Clinical reports emphasized the severity of parental emotional problems and subsequent transmission of such problems across generations, but most systematic and controlled studies have not found any extreme psychopathology. However, research could have been biased as it reported on grown-up children of parents with traumatic experiences. Recent research shifted focus and addressed parental traumatization as a cause of limitations in parenthood, disrupting the development of young children. Mechanisms postulated to explain this process include the dyadic interplay of sensitivity and responsivity, dysregulation of affect and arousal, and extreme deregulation caused by dissociation. Similar patterns have been reported across cultures. Some studies in non-western cultures showed that parental traumatization predicts reduced parental sensitivity and children's responsivity and worse psychosocial functioning. The presence of sensitive parenting is not predicted by ethnicity. However, culture can influence meaning-making, hence exacerbate the complex interactions of the dyad. Examples are the complex task for refugees and migrants to coherently introduce their children to a perceived fragmentized world and the ambivalence or rejection of rape-born children by their mothers and their communities. In conclusion, trauma itself is not transmitted from parent to child, but traumatization may cause limitations in parenthood, disrupting the child's development. Clinically, these results imply that it is important to identify those dyads at risk and support them to re-attune.
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traumatische ervaringen, PTSD (nl), psychische stoornissen, ouders, ouderschap, ouder-kind relatie, hechting, ontwikkelingspsychologie, transgenerationele overdracht, veerkracht, cultuur