Combatting intergenerational effects of psychotrauma with multifamily therapy

There is growing evidence that parental trauma is associated with psychosocial disorders, externalizing and internalizing problems, and higher sensitivity to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children. Recent research findings suggest multidimensional relational, psychological, and neurobiological interrelated pathways of intergenerational influence. Moreover, the intergenerational effects of parental trauma need to be understood within a broader systemic context, as a part of family adaptation.


Dark tourism, the holocaust, and well-being : A systematic review

Dark tourists experience negative and positive feelings in Holocaust places, suggesting emotional ambivalence. The research question of this study is, “is feeling well-being, as a consequence of dark tourism, a way of banalizing the horror?”. The purpose of this study is threefold: to provide an updated systematic literature review (SLR) of dark tourism associated with Holocaust sites and visitors' well-being; to structure the findings into categories that provide a comprehensive overview of the topics; and to identify which topics are not well covered, thus suggesting knowledge gaps.

Effects of psychological distress and life satisfaction on COVID-related traumatic stress : An international, cross-sectional study

This study examines the individual impacts of psychological distress (i.e., depression and anxiety) and life satisfaction on COVID-related traumatic stress in an international sample of heterosexual versus LGBQ+ adults.


Associations between media exposure and mental health among children and parents after the Great East Japan Earthquake

Background: Exposure to natural disaster media coverage is associated with mental health problems, but its long-term impacts are still unclear. Also, no study has analysed the psychological impact of exposure to natural disaster media coverage among children who are generally sensitive to threatening events.


Objective: We aimed to examine how television images of victims after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake were associated with mental health among children and their parents.


Expert international trauma clinicians’ views on the definition, composition and delivery of reintegration interventions for complex PTSD

Background: Research has previously distinguished between complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) and PTSD, with the former including a range of disturbances in self-regulatory capacities in addition to difficulties associated with PTSD. Clinical guidelines have previously recommended a phase-based approach for the treatment of CPTSD, yet the final ‘reintegration’ phase of treatment has been overlooked in research, with limited evidence into its value and effectiveness, and inconsistencies in its definitions and understanding.


Depression, PTSD, and suicidal ideation among ex-ultra-Orthodox individuals in Israel

Introduction: Disaffiliating from an ultra-Orthodox society is complex and challenging. The process includes dealing with culture shock, traumatic experiences, education gaps, and disconnection from familiar surroundings. Thus, ex-ultra-Orthodox individuals (ex-ULTOIs) may face loneliness, lack of belongingness, and loss of meaning, which may relate to high psychological distress such as depression and suicide ideation.

Crises in the Anthropocene

2022 was a year of crises, not just one but multiple intersecting crises that caused traumatic stress in billions of people worldwide. COVID-19 is still not over. New wars have started, and the climate change impact is bigger than ever. Will the Anthropocene be an era of continued crises? This past year the European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) has again tried to contribute to how to prevent or treat the consequences of these major crises as well as other events and we will continue to do so the year to come.

Cross-cultural validity and psychometric properties of the International Trauma Questionnaire in a clinical refugee sample

Background: The ICD-11 post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD diagnoses have been examined in several studies using the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ). The cross-cultural validity of the ITQ has not previously been studied using item responses theory methods focused on the issue of equal item functioning and thus comparability of scores across language groups.


Exposure-based treatments for childhood abuse-related post-traumatic stress disorder in adults : a health-economic evaluation

Background: Prolonged exposure (PE) is an effective treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


Objective: This study aimed to analyse the cost-effectiveness of three exposure-based treatments in patients with childhood abuse-related PTSD.


A balancing act : caring for ‘difficult’ patients in community mental health nursing = Een evenwichtsoefening : geven om ‘moeilijke’ patiënten in de sociaal psychiatrische verpleegkunde

Het algemene doel van dit proefschrift was het verkennen en evalueren van nieuwe en methodische manieren om de langdurige behandeling van patiënten met een ernstige niet-psychotische psychiatrische aandoening, die door hun sociaal-psychiatrisch verpleegkundigen als moeilijk worden ervaren, te verbeteren. Daarbij was het belangrijk om inzicht te krijgen in waarom zij als moeilijk worden ervaren. Hoewel er verschillende antwoorden op de onderzoeksvragen zijn verkregen, komen er nieuwe en fundamentele vragen naar voren over de zorg voor deze groep patiënten. 



