The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Empowerment Program on Self-Compassion, Self-Esteem and Ways of Coping With Stress of Women Experienced Violence : A Randomised Controlled Study

The aim of this experimental research is to assess the impact of a mindfulness-based empowerment program applied to women who have experienced violence on their levels of self-compassion, self-esteem and coping with stress. The study was a randomised controlled trial with a control group. Participants were randomly assigned to the experimental group (EG, n1 = 27) and the control group (CG, n2 = 26) from women who had experienced violence.


Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric validation of The Continuous Traumatic Stress Response Scale : Ukrainian version

Adapting and validating diagnostic tools aimed to evaluate the post-traumatic effects of war in low-income countries is essential for assessing needs and planning support programs. This paper will describe the process of cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric validation of The Continuous Traumatic Stress Response (CTSR) Scale for war-affected Ukraine.


Moral Damages of Children's Migration Trauma (Based on The Materials of The International Internship in The Area of Education and Humanities)

The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of moral damages of children's migration trauma in the context of the exchange of experience based on the materials of international internship. The purpose of the presented article is an analytical review of developments on the problem of trauma of the migration resocialization of children in the context of preserving mental health and children's rights (based on the materials of the scientific internship under the program of postgraduate education in the area of education and humanities, PUCPR, Curitiba, Brazil).


Moral Injury Appraisals and Complex PTSD in Refugees : A Longitudinal Study

Objective: Refugees show elevated rates of complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD). However, relatively little is known regarding the psychological mechanisms that underlie the association between exposure to potentially traumatic events (PTEs) and CPTSD following exposure to war, persecution and displacement.

Moral Suffering in Frontline Social Care Workers : A Study of Moral Injury and Moral Distress

Introduction: Moral suffering (MS) is psycho-emotional harm derived from a conflict between one’s circumstances and one’s deeply held moral values. It includes the constructs of moral distress (MD) and moral injury (MI) and is characterized by constraints or mandates preventing the perceived morally correct event. Evidence has demonstrated the application of MS in helping professions, and research has linked MS to a deterioration of mental health, self-identity, worldview, and job-performance.


Sisyphus in Court : Moral injury and requests for recognition in the dynamic between the Dutch police organization and their personnel in the wake of work related psychological injuries

When police personnel suffering from work-related psychological injuries seek support and recognition from their organization, a complex dynamic can unfold. This may even be experienced as morally injurious, thus adding to the initial psychological injury. This article delves into this issue in the context of Dutch police personnel, analyzing the narratives of 13 (former) police officers through the theoretical framework of Moral Injury, (mis)recognition, and bureaucracy.


Expanding Collaborative Moral Injury Research : Reflection on Moral, Contextual, Social, and Psychospiritual Models

Purpose of Review

Moral injury has garnered increased empirical and societal interest in the past fifteen years. We sought to conduct a multidisciplinary examination of several developmental, contextual, and relational models of moral injury to better inform professional research and practice.



Childhood maltreatment is linked to larger preferred interpersonal distances towards friends and strangers across the globe

Childhood maltreatment (CM) is thought to be associated with altered responses to social stimuli and interpersonal signals. However, limited evidence exists that CM is linked to larger comfortable interpersonal distance (CID) – the physical distance humans prefer towards others during social interactions. However, no previous study has investigated this association in a comprehensive sample, yielding sufficient statistical power. Moreover, preliminary findings are limited to the European region.


Psychological sequelae following second-trimester termination of pregnancy : A longitudinal study

The decision to terminate a pregnancy due to fetal anomalies can have a significant emotional impact, especially in second-trimester terminations. Previous studies on the psychological consequences of pregnancy termination have had limitations, and little is known about the outcomes for partners and the impact of fetal donation. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the psychological effects of second-trimester pregnancy termination and identify factors associated with outcomes in both women and men, including donation of fetal remains to science.

The Association Between Trajectories of Self-reported Psychotic Experiences and Continuity of Mental Health Care in a Longitudinal Cohort of Adolescents and Young Adults

Background and Hypothesis

Young people (YP) with psychotic experiences (PE) have an increased risk of developing a psychiatric disorder. Therefore, knowledge on continuity of care from child and adolescent (CAMHS) to adult mental health services (AMHS) in relation to PE is important. Here, we investigated whether the self-reported trajectories of persistent PE were associated with likelihood of transition to AMHS and mental health outcomes.

Study Design
