Couple and family psychology: research and practice

Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice ® (CFP) is a scholarly journal publishing peer-reviewed papers representing the science and practice of family psychology. CFP is the official publication of APA Division 43 (Society for Couple and Family Psychology) and is intended to be a forum for scholarly dialogue regarding the most important emerging issues in the field, a primary outlet...

De oorlog als beleving: over de musealisering en enscenering van Holocaust-erfgoed

Wie nog maar enkele jaren geleden de oorlog een beleving had genoemd, had vast en zeker op veel scepsis kunnen rekenen. Dat ligt echter vandaag de dag heel anders. Vrijwel dagelijks worden we via de media op de hoogte gebracht van de acties van ‘onze jongens’ in Irak en Afghanistan. De nationale trots spat van het televisiescherm wanneer het gaat om onze bijdrage in de War on Terror (2001)...

Children and trauma: a broad perspective on exposure and recovery

The purpose of this dissertation was to generate a broad overview of children’s exposure to and recovery from trauma in order to promote theory building and the design of prevention and intervention activities. First, a general population study was conducted in 1770 primary school children. They filled out a questionnaire in a quiet classroom setting. Fourteen percent of the children reported...

Stress, vulnerability and resilience : a developmental approach

This thesis describes a variety of studies using a developmental framework to promote greater understanding of the interaction between genotypes and environmental influences on outcomes later in childhood. In this thesis a developmental approach was used to understand how nature (genotypes) and nurture (e.g. environmental risk or protective factors) interact to determine developmental outcomes...

Praxis der interkulturellen Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie : Migration und psychische Gesundheit

Das Buch bietet eine Vielzahl von praxisbezogenen interkulturellen Behandlungs- und Versorgungsstrategien. Es beleuchtet kulturelle und religiöse Hintergründe und zeigt, wie Sie Diagnostik und Therapie an die spezifischen Bedürfnisse von Patienten mit Migrationshintergrund anpassen können. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Patienten aus den Mittelmeerstaaten, der Türkei, Ost- und Südeuropa, den GUS-...

Causes of variation in adolescent wellbeing

The aim of this thesis is to gain more insight into the causes of individual differences in wellbeing in adolescents. To this end, data was analyzed for wellbeing and properties associated with wellbeing such as family functioning, exercise behavior, sedentary behavior, internet use, psychopathology and truancy. This allowed us to ascertain how much of the variation in these properties is...

Ambivalent connections : improving community mental health care for non-psychotic chronic patients perceived as 'difficult'

Many mental health professionals perceive certain patients as diffi cult. But why? And how do patients see this? Is there anything that can be done about it? These questions are answered in this thesis, focussing on a group of patients with non-psychotic chronic disorders. Results from studies among experts, professionals, and patients are presented. An explanatory model offers insight into the...
