The BASIC Ph model of coping and resiliency : theory, research and cross-cultural application

The BASIC Ph model of coping and resiliency, is developed by Prof. Mooli Lahad and Dr. Ofra Ayalon. Underpinning the model is the suggestion that every person has internal powers, or coping resources, which can be mobilized in stressful situations, the effort to survive coming from a healthy rather than a pathological instinct. The categorization of these coping resources gives the model its name: Belief, Affect, Social, Imagination, Cognition, Physical. This edited volume outlines the theory behind the BASIC Ph? approach, presents practice-based and research-based interventions and explains their application during and in the wake of both natural and man-made disasters. The book shows how the BASIC Ph? model can be successfully applied in family, community, education, health, and business settings.

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ed. by Mooli Lahad, Miri Shacham, Ofra Ayalon | 2012
288 p | London [etc.] : Jessica Kingsley

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