The daily spillover and crossover of emotional labor: Faking emotions at work and at home

This diary study among 75 Spanish dual earner couples investigates whether emotional labor performed by employees at work has implications for themselves and for their partner at home. On the basis of the Spillover-Crossover model, we hypothesized that individuals' surface acting at work would spill over to the home domain, and that surface acting at home, in turn, would reduce individuals' levels of well-being. Moreover, we predicted crossover of experiences lived at home between the members of the couple. Participants filled in a diary booklet during five consecutive working days (N = 150 participants and N = 750 occasions). The results of multilevel analyses show that daily surface acting at work has an indirect relationship with daily well-being through daily surface acting at home. In addition, we found a bi-directional crossover of surface acting at home and well-being between both members of the couple. These findings indicate that emotional labor has implications not only for employees themselves, but also for their partner at home GÇô on a daily basis

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Sanz-Vergel AI,Rodríguez-Muñoz A,Bakker AB,Demerouti E, | 2012
Journal of Vocational Behavior | 81 | 2 | 209-217