Responding to the new International Classification of Diseases-11 prolonged grief disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic : a new bereavement network and three-tiered model of care

The field of bereavement research and care is at a tipping point. The introduction of prolonged grief disorder (PGD) in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) has ignited clinical interest in this new disorder, along with debate over challenges in validating and implementing these new criteria. At
the same time, the global COVID-19 pandemic has launched several local and international efforts to provide urgent support and comfort for individuals and communities suffering from grief. Recently, grief experts have called for a collective response to these complicated bereavements and possible increase in PGD due to COVID-19. Here we outline a new European network that aims to unite a community of grief researchers and clinicians to provide accessible, evidence-based support particularly during times of unprecedent crisis.

The Bereavement Network Europe (BNE) has been developed with two main aims. Firstly, to develop expert agreed, internationally acceptable guidelines for bereavement care through a three-tiered approach. Secondly, to provide a platform for researchers and clinicians to share knowledge, collaborate, and develop consensus protocols to facilitate the introduction of PGD to diverse stakeholders. 


This article outlines the current status and aims of the BNE along with the plans for upcoming network initiatives and the three-tiered bereavement care guidelines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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C. Killikelly , G.E. Smid , B. Wagner , P.A. Boelen | 2021
In: Public Heath : ISSN: 0033-3506 | 191 | februari | 85-90
Bereavement, COVID-19 (en), Natural Disasters, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Prolonged Grief Disorder, PTSD (en), PTSD (ICD-11)