Adherence Predictors in Internet-Delivered Self-Help Intervention for Life Stressors-Related Adjustment Disorder

Background: There is a growing body of evidence to show that low-intensity self-help internet-delivered interventions are effective in the treatment of mental disorders. Despite the promising effectiveness of internet-delivered interventions, there is still a challenge for mental health services to implement internet-delivered interventions in routine health care. The aim of this study was to analyze the predictors of adherence to a self-help internet-delivered intervention for adjustment disorder.

Methods: This was a secondary report of data, including unpublished data, from a randomized controlled trial of an internet-delivered self-help intervention for adjustment disorder. The study included 1,077 participants who had completed online baseline assessments. All participants had experienced significant life stressors over the last 2 years and had high levels of adjustment disorder symptoms. We analyzed the role of sociodemographic variables, pre-treatment adjustment disorder symptoms, outcome expectations, and perceived barriers to mental health services on the use of the intervention.

Results: We found that usage of internet-delivered self-help intervention and higher adherence was associated with female gender, greater age, higher pre-intervention outcome expectations, exposure to other forms of psychological therapy in addition to the internet-intervention at the time of the study, and reported perceived barriers to mental health services by the study participants.

Conclusions: The findings of the study indicated the importance of non-specific therapeutic factors on adherence during internet-delivered intervention. Perceived barriers to mental health services were associated with higher adherence to self-help intervention, which indicated that communities with restricted access to mental health services could benefit from low-intensity internet-delivered interventions.


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Evaldas Kazlauskas, Jonas Eimontas, Miranda Olff, Paulina Zelviene and Gerhard Andersson | 2020
In: Frontiers in Psychiatry ISSN: 1664-0640 | 11 | 137
online: 13/03/2020
Adults, Interventions, Mental health, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Predictors, PTSD (en), PTSD (ICD-11), Stressors
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