'Onderweg naar morgen' - stand van zaken rond de zorg aan getraumatiseerde allochtonen

Since a substantial and still growing part of trauma victims concern people from ethnic minority groups, the key questions for many mental health care professionals nowadays are: Are the regular trauma models and evidencebased interventions effective for affected ethnic minority groups? And which specific ingredients in intercultural trauma therapy appear to be culturally sensitive? In this paper we give a brief overview of three decennia of intercultural mental health care.We describe which evidence-based interventions are effective among traumatized migrants and refugees. Furthermore, we discuss specific culturally sensitive elements in intercultural trauma therapy such as intercultural competencies (key notions are knowledge, attitude, and skills) and 'culture-sensitive' interventions (e.g., psycho-education, a contextual and systemic perspective).We finish with providing some guidelines for intercultural trauma treatment.

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Knipscheer JW,Drogendijk A,Mooren T, | 2011
Psychologie & Gezondheid | 39 | 3 | 186-191
Affiliation author(s):