Psychotraumanet : information portal about critical incidents
Psychotraumanet provides access to information about the psychosocial impact of critical incidents. You can find (scientific) articles, interviews, film and audio fragments and news from the media. On Psychotraumanet, the information is divided into ten themes: World War II, resilience & organization, disasters & crises, aggression management, screening & diagnostics, evidence based treatment, complex trauma, child& family, trauma & diversity and humanitarian emergencies.
Getting started with Psychotraumanet
You can get access to the information in several different ways:
- Find sources through the search windows on the left side. Dutch sources are found on the Dutch language of the website
- Create a personal profile and subscribe to the notification service;
- Your organization can participate in Psychotraumanet as well. When you execute a search strategy through the three search windows at the left side, the search result will get a unique URL. When you use this URL on your intranet/internet, your public always has access to the relevant sources.
If you are looking for a book or a DVD, take a look at our catalog, the Kennisbank Ingrijpende Gebeurtenissen (Knowledge Base Interruptive Incidents).
Please don’t hesitate to contact us. Psychotraumanet focuses on Dutch and European sources. For American sources, we’d like to refer you to PILOTS. Psychotraumanet is founded by ARQ Nationaal Psychotrauma Centrum and partners and is supported by the ARQ-bibliotheek | Information Support and experts (only in Dutch).