Unforeseen consequences of terrorism : medically unexplained symptoms in a time of fear.

ONE YEAR later, reports related to the psychological and physiological effects of the terrorist attacks perpetrated on September 11, 2001, continue to emerge. These reports and what little is known about the long-term health effects of terrorism suggest that many people will present to their physicians with medically unexplained symptoms. These symptoms may be mistaken for organic medical diseases, but are likely to be physiological manifestations of psychological distress.

Depressive symptoms predict medical care utilization in a population-based sample.



Several examinations have detected a relation between depressive symptoms and medical utilization. However, selection biases have been involved in most previous examinations. We sought to test the association between depressive symptoms and prospective, increased medical care utilization, in a population-based Canadian sample, while controlling for utilization due to medical illness and controlling for selection bias.


Propensity to psychiatric and somatic ill-health : evidence from a birth cohort.



Somatic and psychiatric morbidity may cluster because of reciprocal effects between them but also as a result of common underlying factors.


Brief screening instrument for post-traumatic stress disorder.



Brief screening instruments appear to be a viable way of detecting post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but none has yet been adequately validated.


To test and cross-validate a brief instrument that is simple to administer and score.


Forty-one survivors of a rail crash were administered a questionnaire, followed by a structured clinical interview 1 week later.


Research on the mental health effects of terrorism

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, established a backdrop against which mental health effects of disasters, especially large-scale intentionally created disasters, assumed central stage in US public health. Methodologically sound data are required to understand the mental health effects of terrorism and must guide all postdisaster mental health activities from clinical interventions to administrative policy.

Measuring trauma and health status in refugees : a critical review.



Refugees experience multiple traumatic events and have significant associated health problems, but data about refugee trauma and health status are often conflicting and difficult to interpret.


To assess the characteristics of the literature on refugee trauma and health, to identify and evaluate instruments used to measure refugee trauma and health status, and to recommend improvements.

