Cognitive-affective characteristics of smokers with and without posttraumatic stress disorder and panic psychopathology

The present study evaluated differences among daily smokers with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder (PD), panic attacks (PA), and no axis I psychopathology (past 6 months) in terms of several cognitive-affective variables implicated in both the onset and maintenance of anxiety psychopathology and cigarette smoking. The sample consisted of 123 daily smokers (62% women: M(age)=29.7, SD=11.9). Compared to the PA and no psychopathology groups, the PTSD group reported significantly higher levels of anxiety sensitivity, discomfort intolerance, negative affectivity, anxious arousal, and anhedonic depression, and, the PTSD group reported significantly lower levels of perceived control over anxiety-related events than the PA group. The PD group, compared to those in the PA and no psychopathology groups, reported significantly higher levels of anxiety sensitivity, negative affectivity, and anxious arousal, and significantly lower levels of perceived control over anxiety-related events. No significant differences were evident between the PTSD and PD groups. Theoretical and clinical implications of the present findings are discussed in terms of smoking and emotional vulnerability.

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A.A. Vujanovic [et al.] | 2010
In: Addictive Behaviors = ISSN 0306-4603 | 35 | 5 | 419-25