Do insecure attachment styles predict prolonged grief symptoms? : Significant null findings

Insecure attachment is proposed to be a risk factor in the development and persistence of severe grief. Although prior research demonstrates positive cross-sectional and longitudinal correlations between attachment styles and prolonged grief symptoms, controlled longitudinal analyses yield fewer convincing results.


Therefore, we sought to further clarify the concurrent and longitudinal associations between these constructs. A sample of 225 bereaved Dutch adults (87% women; Mean age: 48.86 years) participated in a three-wave longitudinal survey including measures of attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance at baseline and prolonged grief symptoms at baseline and 6- and 12-month follow-up. Attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance were significantly positively correlated with prolonged grief symptoms at all time-points.


However, multiple regressions, controlling for baseline symptoms, showed that attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, and their interaction did not predict residual change in prolonged grief symptoms. These findings cast doubt on the proposed role of insecure attachment styles in prolonged grief.

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Antje Janshen, Paul A. Boelen, Henk A. W. Schut, and Maarten C. Eisma | 2024
In: Death Studies ; ISSN: 0748-1187 | 48 | 10 | januari | 1076-1084
Adults, Anxiety Disorders, Attachment Behavior, Avoidance, Bereavement, Diagnosis, Netherlands, Prolonged Grief Disorder, Vulnerability, Women
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