From Vulnerability to Resilience : How do Elderly Holocaust Survivors Living in a Nursing Home in Israel, Cope with the Threat of COVID-19? A Group Therapy Case Study

In addition to being an external event, the COVID-19 outbreak is a psychological event. As such, it elicits associations, memories, and metaphors around which threat perceptions are organized. These processes are likely to be especially significant among individuals who have experienced traumatic life events.


Taiwanese Comfort Women Survivors and Their Families : The Complexity of Identity, Motherhood, and Intergenerational Implications

During World War II, the Imperial Japanese Army forced many girls and women from Taiwan, Korea, China, and other Asian countries to serve as sexual slaves to the soldiers. Although the exploitative system of “comfort women” was widespread, its effects on the survivors’ identities throughout their lifetimes as well as its intergenerational effects on their families remain insufficiently explored in the existing literature.

Impaired learning, memory, and extinction in posttraumatic stress disorder : translational meta-analysis of clinical and preclinical studies

Current evidence-based treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are efficacious in only part of PTSD patients. Therefore, novel neurobiologically informed approaches are urgently needed. Clinical and translational neuroscience point to altered learning and memory processes as key in (models of) PTSD psychopathology. We extended this notion by clarifying at a meta-level (i) the role of information valence, i.e. neutral versus emotional/fearful, and (ii) comparability, as far as applicable, between clinical and preclinical phenotypes.

Holocaust communication, attachment orientation and distress among descendants of female holocaust survivors

The multiple studies that have examined the transgenerational transmission of Holocaust trauma from survivors to their descendants have yielded inconsistent results. These can be attributed to differences in assessment tools and to individual differences between survivors, such as their specific experiences during the Holocaust.


Routledge International Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Descendants of Holocaust Survivors

The Routledge International Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Descendants of Holocaust Survivors offers a comprehensive collection of cutting-edge studies from a wide range of fields dealing with new research about descendants of Holocaust survivors. Examining the aftermath of the Holocaust on the Second Generation and Third Generation, children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, it is the first volume to bring together research perspectives from history, psychology, sociology, communications, literature, film, theater, art, music, biology, and medicine.

Factors associated with exposure to potentially morally injurious events (PMIEs) and moral injury in a clinical sample of veterans

Introduction: Moral injury is not inevitable following exposure to a potentially morally injurious event (PMIE). Since moral injury is associated with poor mental health outcomes, it is clinically important to understand when moral injury develops following PMIE exposure and when it does not.

Moral injury in women military members and Veterans : What do we really know?

Moral injury describes and explains the biological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual wounds service members may develop when they are betrayed by leadership or act, fail to act, or bear witness to acts that are in direct conflict with their moral code. Very little research is focused on moral injury experienced by women service members and Veterans. A woman’s experience in the military is often vastly different from a man’s because they have a higher prevalence of military sexual trauma (the threat or experience of sexual assault or harassment).

Assessment of a digital intervention program with Holocaust survivors

This study evaluated a digital intervention program with aging Holocaust survivors. Participants received a tablet device and were coupled with a volunteer who assisted them to use the tablet. The study aimed to assess which characteristics of the Holocaust survivors are linked with more frequent use of digital communication at the end of the program.


Infant and child mortality in the Netherlands 1935–47 and changes related to the Dutch famine of 1944–45 : A population-based analysis

Precise estimates of the impact of famine on infant and child mortality are rare due to lack of representative data. Using vital statistics reports on the Netherlands for 1935–47, we examine the impact of the Dutch famine (November 1944 to May 1945) on age-specific mortality risk and cause of death in four age groups (stillbirths, <1 year, 1–4, 5–14) in the three largest famine-affected cities and the remainder of the country.


Shaping hope in everyday life : Experiences of veteran spouses with post-deployment mental health issues

While spouses of military veterans have not been directly exposed to threats during deployment, they often experience a substantial post-deployment-related health burden while living with and caring for a partner with deployment-related mental health issues. Drawing from in-depth interviews, this study examined how female spouses of military veterans deal with the psychosocial effects of deployment. We show how these women cope. They keep their family lives going by maintaining hope for the future.
